Sunday, December 28, 2014

How to change common icons in computer?

You can change many of the common Windows icons.
1.     Start Regedit.
2.    Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Shell Icons
3.     The default icons are numbered in the right panel from 0-40
4.     Double click on the number of the particular icon you want to change. See the chart below.
5.     Enter the name of the icon file you want to use followed by the number of the icon in that file. Note: The numbering starts with zero.
6.     If you use a single .ICO file, it should be followed by a 0.
7.     e.g. –filename.dll,4-This would actually be the 5th icon sicne it starts with 0.
8.     Make sure you delete the hidden file C:\WINDOWS\SHELLICONCACHE.

0-13 Are the Drive and Application Icons 

0- To change the unknown Application Icon 2- To change the Default Application Icon 3-To change the closed Folder Icon 4-To change the Open Folder Icon 5- To change the 5 ¼” floppy Icon 6-To change the 3 ½” floppy Icon 7- To change the Removable Disk Icon 8- To change the Hard Drive Icon 9-T change the Network Drive Online Icon 10- To change the Network Drive offline Icon 11- To change the CD Drive Icon 12-To change the Ram drive Icon 13-To change the Entire Network Icon.

19-27 Are the Start Menu Icons 

19- To change the programs Icon 20-To change the Documents Icon 21-To change the Settings Icon 22-To change the Find Icon 23-To change the Help Icon 24-To change the Run Icon 27-To change the Shutdown Icon

Other Icons 33-To change the DUN Folder Icon 

34-To change the Desktop Icon 35-To change the Control Panel Icon 37-To change the Printer Folder Icon 40-To change the Audio CD Icon 43-To change the favorites Icon 44-To change the logoff Icon

Changing the Location of Special Folders
You can modify the registry to change the location of special folders like:
                       19.      My Documents
                       20.      Favorites
                       21.      My Pictures
                       22.      Personal
1.     Start Regedit
2.     Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft windows\CurrnetVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders.
3.     Double click on any location you want to change and alter the path.
4.     Logoff or restart for the changes to got into effect.