Sunday, December 28, 2014

How to Set the appearance of a pop-up menu in Dreamweaver?

             After you create the menu items,use the Show Pop-Up Menu's appearance tab to set the orientation  font attributes, and button state attributes for the pop up menu.
Note: The Appearance tab's preview pane provides an approximate rendering of the options you set in this tab.

To set the appearance of a pop-up menu:

1.     In the pop-up menu at the top for the Appearance tab, choose Vertical Menu or Horizontal
        Menu to set the menu's orientation.
        Set the text formatting options you want:
        In the Font pop-up menu, select the font you want to apply to the menu items.
2.     Set the text formatting options you want:
3.     In the Font pop-up menu, select the font you want to apply to the menu items.
        Note: if the font you want to apply is not in the font list, use the Edit Font List option, to add the
        desired font to the font list. to ensure the menu appears as desired, you should choose a font that site
        visitor's are likely to have.
4.     In the Up State and Over States boxes, use the color picker to set the text and cell colors of the menu
        item buttons.
5.     When you finish setting appearance options, click OK or select another Pop-Up Menu tab to set
         additional options

Setting advanced appearance options

            use options in the Advanced tab to specify additional attributes of the menu cells. for example, you  can set the width, height, cell spacing or padding for the menu button, indent text, and set border attributes.

1.     Click the Advanced tab, then set the options you want to apply to the menu items:
        Cell Width sets a specific width, in pixels, for the menu buttons. Cell width is set automatically based
        on the wide item; to increase the cell width, select Pixels in the pop-up menu and enter a value larger
        that the one that appears in the Cell width text box.
        Cell Height sets a specific height, in pixels, for the menu buttons. To increase the cell height, select                  
        Pixels in the pop-up menu and enter a value larger than the one that appears in the Cell Height text box.
        Cell Padding specifics the number of pixels between a cell's content and its boundaries.
        Cell spacing specifies the number of pixels between adjacent cells.
        Text Indent allows you to specify, in pixels, how far text in a menu item is indented within the cell.
        Menu Delay sets the length of time between when the user moves the pointer over the triggering image
        or link, and when the menu appears. values are in milliseconds so the default setting, 1000, equals 1
        second. for every second of delay you want, add 000; for example, for a 3 second delay, type 3000.
        Pop-Up borders determines whether a border appears around the items in the menu. If you want a
        border to appear around the menu items, make sure the Show Borders check box is checked.
        Border Width sets the border's width, on pixels.
        Shadow, Border color, and highlight allows you to pick a color for these border option. shadow and
        highlight are not reflected in the preview.

2.     When you finish setting advanced appearance options, click OK to select another show Pop-Up Menu tab to set additional options.