Sunday, December 28, 2014

How to work with table in Dremweaver?

                                                                                 One of the best challenges for any web designer is to create a page layout with the combination of text and images. The table feature helps to place everything in the right place. Even when the web elements looked in correct place on the computer, there is no guarantee that they would appear at the same place when viewed on the browser. At that condition, Table helps to place all of the elements in the right place both on the computer and browser.
Macromedia Dreamweaver, Table
           You can insert many tables on a page and can also insert within the other tables (i.e. nested).
1.                  Make sure that you are in the standard view, not in layout view.
2.                  In the document window, place the insertion point in the document, then do one of the following:
Select Insert > Table.
In the Insert bar’s Common category, click the Table icon.
The Insert Table dialog box appears.
3.                  Define required nos. of  Rows and Columns.
4.                  Set 100% in width box to fit the table across the whole page width.
5.                  Define required border (outer) width in pixel. If you define 0 value, it will not appear on the browser but, doted lines appear on a design view.
6.                  Define required value in pixel inside the Cell padding box. Cell padding is the space between text and border of the cell.
7.                  Don’t forget tot define 0 value in the cell spacing box. If you ignore this option or, you define any number then the certain gap among the cells appears.
8.                  At last, click on Ok.
9.                  Save your document by doing one of the following:

Select file > Save Press control+S

Macromedia Dreamweaver, Table

Table Properties (Modify Table):
            If you want to change the attributes of the pre-inserted (existing) table then,
1.                  Move the mouse pointer over the bottom or right edge of the table or, top left corner of the table, then it gets crossed arrows from. Click at once at that condition.
Then the properties bar with table attributes appears.

Macromedia Dreamweaver, Properties of Table

2.                  Give required name for table at Table Name box.
3.                  Define required nos. of rows or columns; table width in percentage; height in pixel unit; cell padding and cell spacing value (if needed); position across a page (i.e. align); Bg color (Background Color) or Bg image (Background Image); Brdr color (Border color) etc.
4.                  You can also clear cell height or width and can change the table to pixels or percentage by using bottom left buttons.

To add/remove rows and columns:
      Next, you’ll modify the table’s layout. You’ll add rows and columns to the table, and learn how to merge and split cells to create the desired page layout.
1.                  Click in the top-left cell then drag down to the bottom row to select the left column.

Macromedia Dreamweaver, Table

2.                  Select Modify > Table > Insert Column.
The table now contains three columns

           Macromedia Dreamweaver, table
3.                  Click in the bottom left cell and then select Modify > Table > Insert Rows or columns.
Then insert Rows or Columns dialog box appears.

Macromedia Dreamweaver, Insert Rows or columns

4.                  In the dialog box, set the following options:
For Insert, select Rows.
In Number of Rows , Type 1.
5.                  Click OK.
The table updates. You now have a four-row by three-column table.
6.                  Save your changes (File > Save).

Merge and split cells
      Merging is the process of combining more than one cell into one. Splitting is the process of partitioning one cell into many.

      By merging and splitting cells you can customize a table’s design to fit your layout needs. Next, you’ll see how to use menu options or the Property inspector to mere or split table cells.

1.                  In the document, select the first two cells in the left column of the table , by dragging your pointer form the top left cell to the cell below it.
2.                  Choose Modify > Table > Merge Cells.
The two cells merge into a single cell.

3.                  Click in the third row of the second column, then drag to the right and down to select the last two rows of cells in the second and thired columns.
4.                  In the Property inspector, click the Merge button to combine the cells.
The selected cells merge into one cell.

     You can split a single cell or column.
1.                  Click in the top left cell.
2.                  In the property inspector, click the Split Cell button.
The Split Cell dialog box appears.

3.                  In the dialog box, set the following options:
For Split Cell Into, select columns.
In Number of Rows, enter 2.
4.                  Click OK.
The table is modified.
            Change row height and column width
            Let’s adjust the table’s dimensions. You’ll increase the amount of space between the table rows, and adjust the amount of space between the table columns.
1.                  Move the pointer along the bottom table border until it changes into a border selector, then drag it down to resize the table.

2.                  You can use this method to resized thee other row heights in the table if you’d like.
3.                  Move the pointer along a column border until it changes to a border selector then drag it to the left or right to change a column’s width.
4.                  When you are done adjusting your table, save your document.

Sorting Data in the Table:
1.                  Select the table.
2.                  Go to Commands menu.
3.                  Click on Sort Table.
Then Sort Table dialog box appears.
4.                  Select required column name to sort in the sort by drop-down menu.
5.                  Choose either Ascending or Descending order with either alphabetically or numerically.
6.                  Click on OK.
Using pre-set Table Format:
1.                  Select the table.
2.                  Go to Commands menu.
3.                  Click on Format Table.
4.                  Choose required style and define required attributes.
5.                  Click on apply.
6.                  Click on OK.
Exporting Data from a Table:
      You can also export table data from an HTML table. The data can then be imported into a spreadsheet, database or other application that has the capability to process delimited data.
1.              Select a table or place the cursor anywhere inside the table.
2.              Go to File menu.
3.              Choose Export and then click on Table
Then Export Table dialog box appears.
4.              Select required data delimiter from Delimiter drop-down menu.
5.              Click on Export button and save the file.
Then you can import the data from the saved file in any compatible applications.