Sunday, December 28, 2014

What can I do to reduce the chance of getting viruses from E-mail?

Treat any file attachments that might contain executable code as carefully as you would any other new files: save the attachment to disk and then check it with an up-to-date virus scanner before opening the file.
If you E-mail or news software has the ability to automatically execute JaveScript, Word macros, or other executable code contained in or attached to a message, I strongly recommend that you  disable this feature.
My personal feeling is that if an executable file shows up unexpectedly attached to an  E-mail, you should delete it unless you can positively verify what it is, who it came from, and why it was sent to you.
The recent outbreak of the Melissa virus was a vivid demonstration of the need to be extremely carefully when you receive E-mail with attached files or documents. Just because and E-mail appears to come from someone you trust, this does NOT mean the file is safe or that the supposed sender had anything to do with it.