Read More Feature Of This Gadget:
1. You Can Add It Anywhere In Your Template Or Layout.
2. Speed Up Loading Time.
3. Very Fast To Install And Easy To Use.
4.You Can Customized It’s Design Via Easy CSS.
5. You Can Also Change JQuery Code According To Your Desire.
6. Engage Your Readers In Your Awesome Articles.
7. Based Upon Featured Slider Code.
8. It Will Show Post Top Image Thumbnail And Post Title.
9. Contain HTML-CSS-JavaScript-JQuery-Images Only.
10.Visitor Can Also Move Your Post Manually Through Buttons.
11.Automatic Slides After Your Desired Time.
12.You Can Change Thumbnail or Slider Width or Height.
13.And Many More You Can Customize Inside the Javascript.
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true);
Note: You need to insert above some code after the "<head>" or before the "</head>" tag. and download the below file if you have inserted above code inside below the <head> or above the </head> section$(document).ready(function(){
$("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true);
can test this slideshow after download the file in to the offline
browser before installation to your site server for example you can see
the here image or play the above video

if you are did not understand acording of our article please you can send us your feedback.