After release of the club as social media company Twitter is made millions. 10 billion sale of 40 million shares after the founder of the club members are frugal billionaire said Dick koslo millions of employees are promoted clubs.
Two thousand more employees the Whichs 1 thousand 6 hundred million of employee list as well. Market analyst company employees to borrow shares from Twitter to 50 percent of the subject's 10 founding investment if the other 7 hundred 70 people have received 10 thousand disbursement share.
Twitter of the first 17 to 20 dollars per share in disbursement price was preparing to sell. American Internet company more per ordinary of 29 dollars after the treatment was shown interest due.
23 million users in the first quarter of last year, Twitter has 6 million 50 million dollar deficit and entered. After the capital increase together, the second-largest Internet company made Facebook Twitter archive should now like to invite you to share holders exposure is reached.