Sunday, December 28, 2014

what is Network Connection Device?

Network Connection Device:
The devices Bridge, Repeater, Gateway and Router are inter networks commonly use these special devices. To extend connection within local area network.


A bridge interconnects two networks that use the same technology (such as ARCNET or Ethernet). When a bride interconnects two networks called “Westside” and “eastside”. In addition to interconnecting networks, Bridges often boost performance security and reliability. For example, we know that a collision detection system required a computer to delay transmission after a data collision occurs. As we add more computers to a network, the number of data collision rises.
Network administrators often use a bride to create two or more small networks even if performance is not a problem on this network. As we have learned in a ring or bus topology, a single break in a data bus stops all network communication. By partitioning  a single LAN into multiple LANs (connected by a bridge), a Network administrator reduces the impact of a break in the data bus.

A Repeater:

A repeater is a device, which copies or repeats signals that it receives. However a repeater also amplifies all received signal before re –transmission. This means a repeater increases the size of Analog wave forms it receives. By increasing the size of the waveform (without changing its frequency) or we can say that a repeater strengthens an increasing signal before sending the signal on its way. By strategically placing repeaters along a network bus, Engineers can extend the distance between adjacent computers.

A Gateway:

It is a generic term that can refer to three types of network entities; we can refer to a router as a gateway. A gateway is identical to a router or also refers to something called an application gateways translate data that specific network programs use . the most common type of gateway is one that e-mail application use.

A router:
It translate the data between networks and a router commonly transfers data between different technologies such as IBM Token Ring and Ethernet, by using some technology. Since internet consists of thousands of networks that use many different technologies, router is an essential part of the Internet. A router has an address on the network, whereas a bridge does not.

In other words we can say that a computer can send a packet destined for another network to a router. The router will transfer the packet to the other network. Whereas a bridge must examine all the data on the bus to determine which packets to transfer between networks. As such, computer never send packets directly to the bridge doing so are unnecessary. A router never examines a packet on the data bus unless the packets contain the router’s address.