Sunday, December 28, 2014

What is TCP/IP?

                TCP/IP is designed and developed to act as an alternative communication language over the network. To send data over an Internet/Intranet, the data must be packaged in an IP packet that is sent from one part of the Internet/Internet to another. Each Ethernet card has a hard-coded address, each machine on a TCP/IP network has one or more IP address are assigned to it . An IP address is a 32-bit value, which is set at a client or server computer.
An IP addresses can be as Each of these four number is an octet separated by dots and hence, called the dotted quad notation.

Class First octet Second octet Third octet Fourth octet Subnet mask
A 1-126 0-255 0-255 0-255
B 128-191 0-255 0-255 0-255
C 192-223 0-255 0-255 0-255
D 224-239 - - -
E 240-255 - - -

Note: Class D and E are also exists, but these addresses cannot be assigned to TCP/IP hosts on the network, just reserved for experimental addresses, not for use. IP address cannot start with 127, as this is the loop back address.