A wide Area Networking is a two or more
geographically isolated computer, linked by communication facilities
such as telecommunication or microwave relays. In other words one of the
most significant aspects of a Wide Area Networking while comparing it
with freedom of local area network is the involvement of public
telecommunications authority. WAN is usually limited to use by large
organizations and government agencies due to high costs involved in
building and maintaining them.
A Wide Area Network (WAN) typically consists of 2 or more LANs.
The computers are farther apart and are linked by telephone lines,
dedicated telephone lines, or radio waves. The Internet is the largest
Wide Area Network in existence.
In other words one of the most significant aspects of a
Wide Area Networking while comparing it with freedom of local area
network is the involvement of public telecommunications authority. WAN
usually limited to use by large organization and government agencies due
to high costs involved in building and maintaining them.
Wide Area Networking is extensions of a data network that uses
telecommunication links to connect to geographically separated areas.
Wide Area Network is also called WAN. WAN coves worldwide using
Satellite as the transmission Medium.
Internet (Public) and Internet (Private) are the examples of Wide Area Network.
The WAN in contrast to the LAN has got the following features:
1.It typically spans entire countries
2.It has data rates below 1 Mbps.
3.It is owned by multiple
organizations ( the carrier owns the communications subnet and
numerous clients own the hosts.
4.Channels are
usually provide by an inter exchange carrier (such as MCI and
At&T), at a monthly cost for leased lines and usage cost for dial-up
lines. 5.Channels are relatively
6.Channels are relatively error prone (if using conventional telephone circuits)