Telecom is if you start with your GSM Mobile Telecom Awards for the afternoon to give the opportunity to use. This means that you may freely Telecom 2G network and 3G network service and service in the latter. 2G in which you can find over the Internet speed. He also paid the cheapest rate.
Inside it ?
Consumers are becoming commissioner expand and improve the Internet service is 7.2 Mbps speeds. The 2G GPRS network is now running speed minimize the many.
3G mobile service, you are able to make video calls. This means that the face is interested in looking at the phone service to communicate. The fee is also cheaper as. Telecom of 3G video call on the mentioned objectives when 2 minutes feel.
Telecom's 3G service on the Internet is cheap. Telecom unveils 3G hack competitive than half of the Internet is available. Consumers rate of 10 paise per 100 kb data package is giving the MB intends to account for 1.
At present GSM technology ties, are giving the company the only 3G service. NWN and Nepal Telecom. NWN 3G data package of Internet service has been giving out the package and the package is also vastly more expensive than Telecom cent is expensive. If a package is not created directly 3G telecom run at the same rate as the Internet is available.
How to do it ?
3G service to you Please support the mobile phone (smart phone nowadays they all support), you can take your phone to a 3G can make a SMS to the same. Its type and the 1400 Send SMS for 3G. Yatigarepachi you from the Telecom 3G network in the transformation of your seam and the message comes. There is no charge to them.
This Telecom to offer the chance to be otherwise taking 2G 2G prepaid SIM Card users of changes to 3G was part thereof 1 hundred rupees.
Note: This method is only for Nepal but don't worry i will post also about your contry so write down on comment your country's name.