Sunday, December 28, 2014

About Basic control in windows XP.

            Most of what you do in Windows XP will be done using a utilities buttons, menus, dialog box or a window. This chapter shows you how you can use these structures.

ñ     Structure of window
All windows are similar in their structure. It is a rectangular frame. As an example we will look at the basic window structure from My Computer window.

Ì    Title Bar
It is located at the top of the window. It contains name of the program, name of file, minimize, maximize, restore and close buttons.

Ì    Maximize
This function allows you to concentrate on on e application by making its window cover the entire screen

Ì    Minimize

This function allows you to keep an application running, but remove it from the desktop area so that other applications can be accessed. The minimized program becomes a bar at the bottom of the screen, and can be accessed by clinking on the bar.

Ì    Resize/Restore
If an application window is not maximized, it can be resized so that more or less contain can be seen. If you move your mouse pointer to one of the edges of the window, it will become a two-way arrow. At

This point, hold down the left mouse button and drag the perimeter of the window in our out. When you release the mouse button, the window will resize to your specifications.

Ì    Close 
This function closes and exits the application you are running. However, if you are running an application such as Microsoft word, the window of each document will have a close button, and clicking this button will only close that particular document, and not the entire program, it is important to always save your work before using the close feature, as any unsaved changes will be lost.

Ì    Menu
Most of the  windows will have a menu bar near the top, displaying the menu options relevant to a particular window. Simply click on a menu option to reveal a drop down list of further options within  it. As a n example, we look at the view menu from My Computer window.

Ì    Dialog Boxes
Simple setting can be made from menu options, other setting need to be made from dialog box. Dialog box appear with Tabs, Check Boxes, Radio buttons and Action buttons etc.

Ì    Tab

                                    Click on the appropriate one to display its setting.

Ì    Check Boxes

Click on as many as required. A trick indicates that the option is active. If you click on it again it will be turn off. If an option is dimmed out, it cannot be selected.

Ì          Radio Buttons



                        Only one out of group of radio buttons can selected. If you click    another radio button, the previously selected one is automatically turned off.

Ì  Action buttons
OK will save the setting selected and close the dialog box or window. Cancel will close the window without saving the amended setting-click on it if you’ve made a

mistake. Apply will save the setting selected so far but will not close the window, in case you want to make further changes.
As an example we will look at the dialog boxes of bolder option from my computer window.

Ì  Tools Bar
       Tool bar contains the short cut icon of the menu bar. It helps to work with the file directly by clicking icon.

Ì  Scroll Bar
  If a window is not big enough to display all the information within it, then a scroll bar will appear automatically. Use it to see the contents of a window not immediately in view.
u  Drag the slider along the scroll bar towards one of the two scroll arrows to scroll in that direction.
u  Click on the scroll bar to display the next window’s amount of information towards the scroll arrow arrested to it.
u  Click on one of the scroll arrows to scroll just a little in that direction. Hold down your mouse button to scroll continuously.

Ì  Resize Pointers.
       If window is not maximized of minimized, it can be resize.
u  Place the mouse arrow anywhere on the edge of a window. It will change to a double header resize pointer.

u  Drag the pointer outwards to increase the size of the window or inwards to reduce the size. Release the mouse button when the window is the desired size.